Fragile X Carrier Screening Study

Informed decision making and psychosocial outcomes in pregnant and nonpregnant women offered population fragile X carrier screening

The results of this study, conducted by scientists at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and the University of Melbourne, are now published. Here are the findings:…

Informed decision making and psychosocial outcomes in pregnant and nonpregnant women offered population fragile X carrier screening

By Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and the University of Melbourne This study involved non-pregnant women, and women up to 13 weeks pregnant, recruited from obstetric and GP clinics. The finding was that population screening causes minimal psychosocial harms, when accompanied by appropriate information and prescreening genetic counseling. You can see the results in Genetics in Medicine, […]

It’s Something I Need to Consider

‘‘It’s Something I Need to Consider” Decisions About Carrier Screening for Fragile X Syndrome in a Population of Non-Pregnant Women”

Archibald AD, Jaques AM, Wake S, Collins VR, Cohen J, Metcalfe SA. 2009 – Am J Med Genet Part A 149A:2731–2738